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  • Writer's pictureChristopher Looby

Monday of the 2nd Week of Ordinary Time (Martin Luther King Day)

In today's Gospel, we hear the story of Jesus being questioned by the Pharisees about why his disciples were not fasting, like the other Jewish leaders. Jesus responds by saying that his disciples cannot fast while he is with them, because he is like a bridegroom at a wedding feast. But when he is taken away, they will fast.

As we celebrate Martin Luther King Day, we are reminded of the powerful message of love and nonviolence that Dr. King shared with the world. He, like Jesus, taught us the importance of standing up for what is right and fighting for justice and equality for all people, regardless of race, religion, or background.

This passage from Mark's Gospel can teach us a few things about our faith and our relationship with Jesus. First, it shows us that Jesus is the bridegroom and we are the bride. As the bride of Christ, we are called to be in union with him and to share in his joy and celebration. This is a reminder that our faith should be a source of joy and celebration, not just something that we do out of duty or obligation.

Secondly, the passage also reminds us that there will be times of fasting and sacrifice in our lives. Just as the disciples will fast when Jesus is taken away, so too will we have times of hardship and suffering in our lives. But these times of fasting and sacrifice are not meant to be a burden, but rather an opportunity for us to grow closer to Jesus and to deepen our faith.

As Catholics, we are called to follow in the footsteps of Dr. King and to work towards justice and equality for all. Let us remember that Martin Luther King Day is not just a day off from work or school, but a day to reflect on the powerful message of love and nonviolence that Dr. King shared with the world.

In conclusion, let us remember that Jesus is the bridegroom and we are the bride. Let us strive to be in union with him, and to share in his joy and celebration. And let us also remember that there will be times of fasting and sacrifice in our lives, but these are opportunities for us to grow closer to Jesus and to deepen our faith. May God bless us all.

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